Welcome to GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

GOLDrush is the University of Iowa’s crowdfunding site. We offer faculty, staff, student groups, alumni and friends of the university a tool for soliciting donations to support university programs and/or initiatives.


Campaigns at University of Iowa

Dominic Gentile DVM Sarcoma Research

The Dominic Gentile DVM Sarcoma Research Fund is established to raise funds for improved treatments for Sarcoma, focusing on Ewing’s Sarcoma


172 Donors

322 days Left

$168,774 Donated

GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

Protecting and Empowering Iowa’s Workers through Education

Help Iowa’s workers gain access to quality workers’ rights education in their communities to promote safe, respectful workplaces.


40 Donors

16 days Left

$39,700 Donated

GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

Empowering America’s Future Healthcare Leaders

Help us send our students to the ACHE Congress! Support their journey to learn, network, and grow as future healthcare leaders.


15 Donors


$2,550 Donated

GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

Jim Wiese Memorial Giving

Jim lived by the precept "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." His special mission; the University of Iowa.

19 Donors


$3,000 Donated

GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

John Fraser Iowa Veterans Tippie Scholarship

Help support Iowa Veterans at the UI Tippie College of Business!


8 Donors


$77,910 Donated

GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

Beth Ball Memorial Golf Tourney 2024

This event is held each year at the end of August to commemorate the memory of Beth, while enjoying golf and helping fight cancer!


31 Donors


$38,513 Donated

GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

H. D. McDonald PICU-Burn Memorial Fundraiser 2024

Please help us return the love and support to the doctors and nursing staff in the PICU and Burn Center.


0 Donors


$25,000 Donated

GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

Project CRATERS (Creating Responsive Action Through Empow...

Help support and empower Iowa teens to become mental health advocates. Teens will co-create content to promote positive mental health.


30 Donors


$2,375 Donated

GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

Field Trip Fund Drive – Sport and Recreation Management P...

Support the UI Sport and Recreation Management program and you’ll help send students on a field trip to the Big Ten Conference headquarters.


31 Donors


$3,950 Donated

GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

Funds for Future Lawyers: Support Mock Trial at the Unive...

Make an impact at the University of Iowa by supporting our crowdfunding campaign!


29 Donors


$2,380 Donated

GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

Leaf-ing your mark for UI Food Pantry

Make an impact at the University of Iowa by supporting our crowdfunding campaign!


26 Donors


$2,865 Donated

GOLDrush: Crowdfunding for Iowa!

Y105 Radiothon

Y105 Radio, in partnership with Loras College Duthon, is bringing back the Y105 radiothon to benefit UIHC Stead Family Children's Hospital


21 Donors


$2,120 Donated

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Do you have an idea for a crowdfunding campaign?

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